Source code for ttkwidgets.checkboxtreeview

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: Juliette Monsel
License: GNU GPLv3
Source: This repository

Treeview with checkboxes at each item and a noticeable disabled style

    import ttk
except ImportError:
    from tkinter import ttk

import os
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from ttkwidgets.utilities import get_assets_directory

IM_CHECKED = os.path.join(get_assets_directory(), "checked.png")      # These three checkbox icons were isolated from
IM_UNCHECKED = os.path.join(get_assets_directory(), "unchecked.png")  # Checkbox States.svg (
IM_TRISTATE = os.path.join(get_assets_directory(), "tristate.png")    # by Marekich [CC BY-SA 3.0  (]

[docs]class CheckboxTreeview(ttk.Treeview): """ :class:`ttk.Treeview` widget with checkboxes left of each item. .. note:: The checkboxes are done via the image attribute of the item, so to keep the checkbox, you cannot add an image to the item. """
[docs] def __init__(self, master=None, **kw): """ Create a CheckboxTreeview. :param master: master widget :type master: widget :param kw: options to be passed on to the :class:`ttk.Treeview` initializer """ ttk.Treeview.__init__(self, master, style='Checkbox.Treeview', **kw) # style (make a noticeable disabled style) style = ttk.Style(self)"Checkbox.Treeview", fieldbackground=[("disabled", '#E6E6E6')], foreground=[("disabled", 'gray40')], background=[("disabled", '#E6E6E6')]) # checkboxes are implemented with pictures self.im_checked = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, master=self) self.im_unchecked = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, master=self) self.im_tristate = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, master=self) self.tag_configure("unchecked", image=self.im_unchecked) self.tag_configure("tristate", image=self.im_tristate) self.tag_configure("checked", image=self.im_checked) # check / uncheck boxes on click self.bind("<Button-1>", self._box_click, True)
[docs] def expand_all(self): """Expand all items.""" def aux(item): self.item(item, open=True) children = self.get_children(item) for c in children: aux(c) children = self.get_children("") for c in children: aux(c)
[docs] def collapse_all(self): """Collapse all items.""" def aux(item): self.item(item, open=False) children = self.get_children(item) for c in children: aux(c) children = self.get_children("") for c in children: aux(c)
[docs] def state(self, statespec=None): """ Modify or inquire widget state. :param statespec: Widget state is returned if `statespec` is None, otherwise it is set according to the statespec flags and then a new state spec is returned indicating which flags were changed. :type statespec: None or sequence[str] """ if statespec: if "disabled" in statespec: self.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: 'break') elif "!disabled" in statespec: self.unbind("<Button-1>") self.bind("<Button-1>", self._box_click, True) return ttk.Treeview.state(self, statespec) else: return ttk.Treeview.state(self)
[docs] def change_state(self, item, state): """ Replace the current state of the item. i.e. replace the current state tag but keeps the other tags. :param item: item id :type item: str :param state: "checked", "unchecked" or "tristate": new state of the item :type state: str """ tags = self.item(item, "tags") states = ("checked", "unchecked", "tristate") new_tags = [t for t in tags if t not in states] new_tags.append(state) self.item(item, tags=tuple(new_tags))
[docs] def tag_add(self, item, tag): """ Add tag to the tags of item. :param item: item identifier :type item: str :param tag: tag name :type tag: str """ tags = self.item(item, "tags") self.item(item, tags=tags + (tag,))
[docs] def tag_del(self, item, tag): """ Remove tag from the tags of item. :param item: item identifier :type item: str :param tag: tag name :type tag: str """ tags = list(self.item(item, "tags")) if tag in tags: tags.remove(tag) self.item(item, tags=tuple(tags))
[docs] def insert(self, parent, index, iid=None, **kw): """ Creates a new item and return the item identifier of the newly created item. :param parent: identifier of the parent item :type parent: str :param index: where in the list of parent's children to insert the new item :type index: int or "end" :param iid: item identifier, iid must not already exist in the tree. If iid is None a new unique identifier is generated. :type iid: None or str :param kw: other options to be passed on to the :meth:`ttk.Treeview.insert` method :return: the item identifier of the newly created item :rtype: str .. note:: Same method as for the standard :class:`ttk.Treeview` but add the tag for the box state accordingly to the parent state if no tag among ('checked', 'unchecked', 'tristate') is given. """ if self.tag_has("checked", parent): tag = "checked" else: tag = 'unchecked' if "tags" not in kw: kw["tags"] = (tag,) elif not ("unchecked" in kw["tags"] or "checked" in kw["tags"] or "tristate" in kw["tags"]): kw["tags"] += (tag,) return ttk.Treeview.insert(self, parent, index, iid, **kw)
[docs] def get_checked(self): """Return the list of checked items that do not have any child.""" checked = [] def get_checked_children(item): if not self.tag_has("unchecked", item): ch = self.get_children(item) if not ch and self.tag_has("checked", item): checked.append(item) else: for c in ch: get_checked_children(c) ch = self.get_children("") for c in ch: get_checked_children(c) return checked
def _check_descendant(self, item): """Check the boxes of item's descendants.""" children = self.get_children(item) for iid in children: self.change_state(iid, "checked") self._check_descendant(iid) def _check_ancestor(self, item): """ Check the box of item and change the state of the boxes of item's ancestors accordingly. """ self.change_state(item, "checked") parent = self.parent(item) if parent: children = self.get_children(parent) b = ["checked" in self.item(c, "tags") for c in children] if False in b: # at least one box is not checked and item's box is checked self._tristate_parent(parent) else: # all boxes of the children are checked self._check_ancestor(parent) def _tristate_parent(self, item): """ Put the box of item in tristate and change the state of the boxes of item's ancestors accordingly. """ self.change_state(item, "tristate") parent = self.parent(item) if parent: self._tristate_parent(parent) def _uncheck_descendant(self, item): """Uncheck the boxes of item's descendant.""" children = self.get_children(item) for iid in children: self.change_state(iid, "unchecked") self._uncheck_descendant(iid) def _uncheck_ancestor(self, item): """ Uncheck the box of item and change the state of the boxes of item's ancestors accordingly. """ self.change_state(item, "unchecked") parent = self.parent(item) if parent: children = self.get_children(parent) b = ["unchecked" in self.item(c, "tags") for c in children] if False in b: # at least one box is checked and item's box is unchecked self._tristate_parent(parent) else: # no box is checked self._uncheck_ancestor(parent) def _box_click(self, event): """Check or uncheck box when clicked.""" x, y, widget = event.x, event.y, event.widget elem = widget.identify("element", x, y) if "image" in elem: # a box was clicked item = self.identify_row(y) if self.tag_has("unchecked", item) or self.tag_has("tristate", item): self._check_ancestor(item) self._check_descendant(item) else: self._uncheck_descendant(item) self._uncheck_ancestor(item)