Source code for ttkwidgets.frames.balloon

Author: RedFantom
License: GNU GPLv3
Source: This repository
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk
except ImportError:
    import tkinter.ttk as ttk
    import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os
from ttkwidgets.utilities import get_assets_directory

[docs]class Balloon(ttk.Frame): """Simple help hover balloon."""
[docs] def __init__(self, master=None, headertext="Help", text="Some great help is displayed here.", width=200, timeout=1, background="#fef9cd", **kwargs): """ Create a Balloon. :param master: widget to bind the Balloon to :type master: widget :param headertext: text to show in window header :type headertext: str :param text: text to show as help text :type text: str :param width: width of the window :type width: int :param timeout: timeout in seconds to wait until the Balloon is shown :type timeout: float :param background: background color of the Balloon :type background: str :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to the :class:`ttk.Frame` initializer """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) self._toplevel = None self._canvas = None self.header_label = None self.text_label = None # The image was found here: # # Under CC Attribution License self._image =, "balloon.png")) self._photo_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self._image, master=self) self.__background = background self.__headertext = headertext self.__text = text self.__width = width self.master = master self._id = None self._timeout = timeout self.master.bind("<Enter>", self._on_enter) self.master.bind("<Leave>", self._on_leave)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.cget(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.configure(**{key: value}) def _grid_widgets(self): """Place the widgets in the Toplevel.""" self._canvas.grid(sticky="nswe") self.header_label.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="nswe", pady=5, padx=5) self.text_label.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky="nswe", pady=6, padx=5) def _on_enter(self, event): """Creates a delayed callback for the :obj:`<Enter>` event.""" self._id = self.master.after(int(self._timeout * 1000), def _on_leave(self, event): """Callback for the :obj:`<Leave>` event to destroy the Toplevel.""" if self._toplevel: self._toplevel.destroy() self._toplevel = None if self._id: self.master.after_cancel(self._id) self._id = None
[docs] def show(self): """ Create the Toplevel widget and its child widgets to show in the spot of the cursor. This is the callback for the delayed :obj:`<Enter>` event (see :meth:`~Balloon._on_enter`). """ self._toplevel = tk.Toplevel(self.master) self._canvas = tk.Canvas(self._toplevel, background=self.__background) self.header_label = ttk.Label(self._canvas, text=self.__headertext, background=self.__background, image=self._photo_image, compound=tk.LEFT) self.text_label = ttk.Label(self._canvas, text=self.__text, wraplength=self.__width, background=self.__background) self._toplevel.attributes("-topmost", True) self._toplevel.overrideredirect(True) self._grid_widgets() x, y = self.master.winfo_pointerxy() self._canvas.update() # Update the Geometry of the Toplevel to update its position and size self._toplevel.geometry("{0}x{1}+{2}+{3}".format(self._canvas.winfo_width(), self._canvas.winfo_height(), x + 2, y + 2))
[docs] def cget(self, key): """ Query widget option. :param key: option name :type key: str :return: value of the option To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~Balloon.keys`. """ if key == "headertext": return self.__headertext elif key == "text": return self.__text elif key == "width": return self.__width elif key == "timeout": return self._timeout elif key == "background": return self.__background else: return ttk.Frame.cget(self, key)
[docs] def config(self, **kwargs): """ Configure resources of the widget. To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~Balloon.keys`. See :meth:`~Balloon.__init__` for a description of the widget specific option. """ self.__headertext = kwargs.pop("headertext", self.__headertext) self.__text = kwargs.pop("text", self.__text) self.__width = kwargs.pop("width", self.__width) self._timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", self._timeout) self.__background = kwargs.pop("background", self.__background) if self._toplevel: self._on_leave(None) ttk.Frame.config(self, **kwargs)
configure = config def keys(self): keys = ttk.Frame.keys(self) keys.extend(["headertext", "text", "width", "timeout", "background"]) return keys