Source code for ttkwidgets.frames.scrolledframe

Author: RedFantom
License: GNU GPLv3
Source: This repository
# The following sites were used for reference in the creation of this file:
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk
except ImportError:
    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import ttk
from ttkwidgets import AutoHideScrollbar

[docs]class ScrolledFrame(ttk.Frame): """ A frame that sports a vertically oriented scrollbar for scrolling. :ivar interior: :class:`ttk.Frame` in which to put the widgets to be scrolled with any geometry manager. """
[docs] def __init__(self, master=None, compound=tk.RIGHT, canvasheight=400, canvaswidth=400, canvasborder=0, autohidescrollbar=True, **kwargs): """ Create a ScrolledFrame. :param master: master widget :type master: widget :param compound: "right" or "left": side the scrollbar should be on :type compound: str :param canvasheight: height of the internal canvas :type canvasheight: int :param canvaswidth: width of the internal canvas :type canvaswidth: int :param canvasborder: border width of the internal canvas :type canvasborder: int :param autohidescrollbar: whether to use an :class:`~ttkwidgets.AutoHideScrollbar` or a :class:`ttk.Scrollbar` :type autohidescrollbar: bool :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to the :class:`ttk.Frame` initializer """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) if autohidescrollbar: self._scrollbar = AutoHideScrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL) else: self._scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self._canvas = tk.Canvas(self, borderwidth=canvasborder, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=self._scrollbar.set, width=canvaswidth, height=canvasheight) self.__compound = compound self._scrollbar.config(command=self._canvas.yview) self._canvas.yview_moveto(0) self.interior = ttk.Frame(self._canvas) self._interior_id = self._canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=self.interior, anchor=tk.NW) self.interior.bind("<Configure>", self.__configure_interior) self._canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.__configure_canvas) self.__grid_widgets()
def __grid_widgets(self): """Places all the child widgets in the appropriate positions.""" scrollbar_column = 0 if self.__compound is tk.LEFT else 2 self._canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="nswe") self._scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=scrollbar_column, sticky="ns") def __configure_interior(self, *args): """ Private function to configure the interior Frame. :param args: Tkinter event """ # Resize the canvas scrollregion to fit the entire frame (size_x, size_y) = (self.interior.winfo_reqwidth(), self.interior.winfo_reqheight()) self._canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 {0} {1}".format(size_x, size_y)) if self.interior.winfo_reqwidth() is not self._canvas.winfo_width(): # If the interior Frame is wider than the canvas, automatically resize the canvas to fit the frame self._canvas.config(width=self.interior.winfo_reqwidth()) def __configure_canvas(self, *args): """ Private function to configure the internal Canvas. Changes the width of the canvas to fit the interior Frame :param args: Tkinter event """ if self.interior.winfo_reqwidth() is not self._canvas.winfo_width(): self._canvas.configure(width=self.interior.winfo_reqwidth()) def __mouse_wheel(self, event): """ Private function to scroll the canvas view. :param event: Tkinter event """ self._canvas.yview_scroll(-1 * ( // 100), "units")
[docs] def resize_canvas(self, height=400, width=400): """ Function for the user to resize the internal Canvas widget if desired. :param height: new height in pixels :type height: int :param width: new width in pixels :type width: int """ self._canvas.configure(width=width, height=height)