Source code for ttkwidgets.tickscale

Author: Juliette Monsel
License: GNU GPLv3
Source: This repository
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk
except ImportError:
    from tkinter import ttk
    import tkinter as tk

[docs]class TickScale(ttk.Frame): """ A :class:`ttk.Scale` that can display the current value next to the slider and supports ticks. """
[docs] def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): """ Create a TickScale with parent master. :param master: master widget :type master: widget :param digits: number of digits after the comma to display, if negative use the %g format :type digits: int :param labelpos: "n", "s", "e or "w": if showvalue is True, position of the label :type labelpos: str :param resolution: increment by which the slider can be moved. 0 means continuous sliding. :type resolution: float :param showvalue: whether to display current value next to the slider :type showvalue: bool :param tickinterval: if not 0, display ticks with the given interval :type tickinterval: float :param tickpos: "w" or "e" (vertical scale), "n" or "s" (horizontal scale): if tickinterval is not 0, position of the ticks :type tickpos: str :param kwargs: options to be passed on to the :class:`ttk.Scale` initializer (class, cursor, style, takefocus, command, from, length, orient, to, value, variable) .. note:: The style must derive from "Vertical.TScale" or "Horizontal.TScale" depending on the orientation. Depending on the theme, the default slider length might not be correct. If it is the case, this can be solve by setting the 'sliderlength' through :class:`ttk.Style`. """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, class_='TickScale', padding=2) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self._showvalue = kwargs.pop('showvalue', True) self._tickinterval = kwargs.pop('tickinterval', 0) try: self._resolution = float(kwargs.pop('resolution', 0)) if self._resolution < 0: raise ValueError("'resolution' must be non negative.") except ValueError: raise TypeError("'resolution' must be a float.") if self._tickinterval != 0 and self._resolution > self._tickinterval: self._tickinterval = self._resolution orient = kwargs.get('orient', 'horizontal') self._labelpos = kwargs.pop('labelpos', 'n' if orient == 'horizontal' else 'w') if self._labelpos not in ['w', 'e', 'n', 's']: raise ValueError("'labelpos' must be 'n', 's', 'e', or 'w'.") self._tickpos = kwargs.pop('tickpos', 's' if orient == 'horizontal' else 'w') self._digits = kwargs.pop('digits', None) if 'variable' not in kwargs: self._var = tk.DoubleVar(self) kwargs['variable'] = self._var else: self._var = kwargs['variable'] = ttk.Style(self) self.scale = ttk.Scale(self, **kwargs) if self._resolution > 0: nb_steps = round((self.scale.cget('to') - self.scale.cget('from')) / self._resolution) self.scale.configure(to=self.scale.cget('from') + nb_steps * self._resolution) # adapt resolution, digits and tickinterval to avoid conflicting values interv = self._get_precision(self._tickinterval) resol = self._get_precision(self._resolution) from_ = self._get_precision(self.scale.cget('from')) to = self._get_precision(self.scale.cget('to')) d = max(interv, resol, from_, to) if self._tickinterval == 0 and self._resolution == 0: if self._digits is None: self._digits = -1 else: if self._digits is None: self._digits = d if 0 <= self._digits < d: self._resolution = float('1e-{}'.format(self._digits)) self._tickinterval = round(self._tickinterval, self._digits) if self._resolution > self._tickinterval: self._tickinterval = self._resolution self.scale.configure(from_=round(self.scale.get('from'), self._digits), to=round(self.scale.get('to'), self._digits)) if not isinstance(self._digits, int): raise TypeError("'digits' must be an integer.") if self._digits < 0: self._formatter = '{:g}' else: self._formatter = '{:.' + str(self._digits) + 'f}' if orient == 'vertical' and self._tickpos not in ['w', 'e']: raise ValueError("For a vertical TickScale, 'tickpos' must be 'w' or 'e'.") elif orient == 'horizontal' and self._tickpos not in ['n', 's']: raise ValueError("For a horizontal TickScale, 'tickpos' must be 'n' or 's'.") self._style_name = self.scale.cget('style') if not self._style_name: self._style_name = '%s.TScale' % (str(self.scale.cget('orient')).capitalize()) self._sliderlength =, 'sliderlength', default=30) self._extent = self.scale.cget('to') - self.scale.cget('from') self._start = self.scale.cget('from') self._var.set(self._start) self.ticks = [] self.ticklabels = [] self.label = ttk.Label(self, padding=1) try: self._trace = self._var.trace_add('write', self._increment) except AttributeError: # backward compatibility self._trace = self._var.trace('w', self._increment) self._apply_style() self._init() self.scale.bind('<Configure>', self._update_display) self.scale.bind('<<ThemeChanged>>', self._style_change) self.set = self.scale.set self.coords = self.scale.coords self.instate = self.scale.instate self.state = self.scale.state
def __getitem__(self, item): return self.cget(item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): self.configure({item: value}) @staticmethod def _get_precision(number): """ Return the number of digits after the comma necessary to display number. The default number of digits after the comma of '%f' is 6, so -1 is returned if number < 1e-6 """ if number < 1e-6: return -1 else: return '{:f}'.format(number).strip('0')[::-1].find('.') def keys(self): keys = self.scale.keys() return keys + ['showvalue', 'tickinterval', 'digits']
[docs] def cget(self, key): """ Query widget option. :param key: option name :type key: str :return: value of the option To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~TickScale.keys`. """ if key == 'showvalue': return self._showvalue elif key == 'tickinterval': return self._tickinterval elif key == 'tickpos': return self._tickpos elif key == 'labelpos': return self._labelpos elif key == 'digits': return self._digits elif key == 'resolution': return self._resolution else: return self.scale.cget(key)
[docs] def configure(self, cnf={}, **kw): """ Configure resources of the widget. To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~TickScale.keys`. See :meth:`~TickScale.__init__` for a description of the widget specific option. """ kw.update(cnf) reinit = False if 'orient' in kw: if kw['orient'] == 'vertical': self._style_name = self._style_name.replace('Horizontal', 'Vertical') if 'tickpos' not in kw: self._tickpos = 'w' else: self._style_name = self._style_name.replace('Vertical', 'Horizontal') if 'tickpos' not in kw: self._tickpos = 's' self.scale.configure(style=self._style_name) reinit = True if 'showvalue' in kw: self._showvalue = bool(kw.pop('showvalue')) reinit = True if 'tickinterval' in kw: self._tickinterval = kw.pop('tickinterval') reinit = True if 'tickpos' in kw: tickpos = kw.pop('tickpos') orient = kw.get('orient', str(self.cget('orient'))) if orient == 'vertical' and tickpos not in ['w', 'e']: raise ValueError("For a vertical TickScale, 'tickpos' must be 'w' or 'e'.") elif orient == 'horizontal' and tickpos not in ['n', 's']: raise ValueError("For a horizontal TickScale, 'tickpos' must be 'n' or 's'.") elif orient in ['vertical', 'horizontal']: self._tickpos = tickpos reinit = True if 'labelpos' in kw: labelpos = kw.pop('labelpos') if labelpos not in ['w', 'e', 'n', 's']: raise ValueError("'labelpos' must be 'n', 's', 'e' or 'w'.") else: self._labelpos = labelpos reinit = True if 'resolution' in kw: try: self._resolution = float(kw.pop('resolution')) if self._resolution < 0: raise ValueError("'resolution' must be non negative.") except ValueError: raise TypeError("'resolution' must be a float.") if self._tickinterval != 0 and self._resolution > self._tickinterval: self._tickinterval = self._resolution reinit = True if 'digits' in kw: digits = kw.pop('digits') if not isinstance(digits, int): raise TypeError("'digits' must be an integer.") elif digits < 0: self._digits = digits self._formatter = '{:g}' reinit = True else: self._digits = digits self._formatter = '{:.' + str(self._digits) + 'f}' interv = self._get_precision(self._tickinterval) resol = self._get_precision(self._resolution) start = kw.get('from', kw.get('from_', self._start)) end = kw.get('to', self.scale.cget('to')) from_ = self._get_precision(start) to = self._get_precision(end) d = max(interv, resol, from_, to) if self._digits < d: self._resolution = float('1e-{}'.format(self._digits)) self._tickinterval = round(self._tickinterval, self._digits) if self._resolution > self._tickinterval: self._tickinterval = self._resolution kw['to'] = round(end, self._digits) if 'from_' in kw: del kw['from_'] kw['from'] = round(start, self._digits) reinit = True elif self._digits > 0: start = kw.get('from', kw.get('from_', self._start)) end = kw.get('to', self.scale.cget('to')) from_ = self._get_precision(start) to = self._get_precision(end) interv = self._get_precision(self._tickinterval) resol = self._get_precision(self._resolution) digits = max(self._digits, interv, resol, from_, to) if digits != self._digits: self._digits = digits self._formatter = '{:.' + str(self._digits) + 'f}' reinit = True if 'variable' in kw: self._var = kw['variable'] if not self._var: self._var = tk.DoubleVar(self, self.get()) kw['variable'] = self._var try: self._var.trace_add('write', self._increment) except AttributeError: # backward compatibility self._var.trace('w', self._increment) self.scale.configure(**kw) if 'from_' in kw or 'from' in kw or 'to' in kw: self._extent = self.scale.cget('to') - self.scale.cget('from') self._start = self.scale.cget('from') reinit = True if 'style' in kw: self._style_name = kw['style'] if not self._style_name: self._style_name = '%s.TScale' % (str(self.scale.cget('orient')).capitalize()) if reinit: self._init() if 'orient' in kw: # needed after the reinitialization in case of orientation change self._apply_style()
config = configure def get(self): if self._digits >= 0: return round(self.scale.get(), self._digits) else: return self.scale.get()
[docs] def convert_to_pixels(self, value): """ Convert value in the scale's unit into a position in pixels. :param value: value to convert :type value: float :return: the corresponding position in pixels :rtype: float """ percent = ((value - self._start) / self._extent) return percent * (self.get_scale_length() - self._sliderlength) + self._sliderlength / 2
def _update_slider_length_horizontal(self): """ Measure the length of the slider and update the value of self._sliderlength. self.scale.identify(x, y) is used to find the first and last pixels of the slider. Indeed, self.scale.identify(x, y) returns the element of the ttk.Scale to which the pixel (x, y) belongs. So, the length of the slider is determined by scanning horizontally the pixels of the scale. """ if not self.scale.identify(2, 2): # if self.scale.identify(2, 2) is an empty string it means that the scale # is not displayed yet so we cannot measure the length of the slider, # so wait for the scale to be properly displayed. # binding to <Map> event does not work, it can still be to soon to # get any result from identify self.after(10, self._update_slider_length_horizontal) else: w = self.scale.winfo_width() i = 0 # find the first pixel of the slider while i < w and 'slider' not in self.scale.identify(i, 2): # increment i until the pixel (i, 2) belongs to the slider i += 1 j = i # find the last pixel of the slider while j < w and 'slider' in self.scale.identify(j, 2): # increment j until the pixel (2, j) no longer belongs to the slider j += 1 if j == i: # the length of the slider was not determined properly, # so the value of the sliderlength from the style is used self._sliderlength =, 'sliderlength', default=30) else: # update ticks and label placement self._sliderlength = j - i self._update_display() def _update_slider_length_vertical(self): """ Measure the length of the slider and update the value of self._sliderlength. self.scale.identify(x, y) is used to find the first and last pixels of the slider. Indeed, self.scale.identify(x, y) returns the element of the ttk.Scale to which the pixel (x, y) belongs. So, the length of the slider is determined by scanning vertically the pixels of the scale. """ if not self.scale.identify(2, 2): # if self.scale.identify(2, 2) is an empty string it means that the scale # is not displayed yet so we cannot measure the length of the slider, # so wait for the scale to be properly displayed. # binding to <Map> event does not work, it can still be to soon to # get any result from identify self.after(10, self._update_slider_length_vertical) else: h = self.scale.winfo_height() i = 0 # find the first pixel of the slider while i < h and 'slider' not in self.scale.identify(2, i): # increment i until the pixel (2, i) belongs to the slider i += 1 j = i # find the last pixel of the slider while j < h and 'slider' in self.scale.identify(2, j): # increment j until the pixel (2, j) no longer belongs to the slider j += 1 if j == i: # the length of the slider was not determined properly, # so the value of the sliderlength from the style is used self._sliderlength =, 'sliderlength', default=30) else: self._sliderlength = j - i # update ticks and label placement self._update_display() def _apply_style(self): """Apply the scale style to the frame and labels.""" ttk.Frame.configure(self, style=self._style_name + ".TFrame") self.label.configure(style=self._style_name + ".TLabel") bg ='TFrame', 'background', default='light grey') for label in self.ticklabels: label.configure(style=self._style_name + ".TLabel") + ".TFrame",, 'background', default=bg)) + ".TFrame",, 'background')) + ".TLabel",, 'font', default='TkDefaultFont'),, 'background', default=bg),, 'foreground', default='black')) + ".TLabel",, 'font'),, 'background'),, 'foreground')) def _init(self): """Create and grid the widgets.""" for label in self.ticklabels: label.destroy() self.label.place_forget() self.ticks = [] self.ticklabels = [] if self._resolution > 0: nb_steps = round((self.scale.cget('to') - self.scale.cget('from')) / self._resolution) self.scale.configure(to=self.scale.cget('from') + nb_steps * self._resolution) self._extent = self.scale.cget('to') - self.scale.cget('from') if str(self.scale.cget('orient')) == "horizontal": self.get_scale_length = self.scale.winfo_width self.display_value = self._display_value_horizontal self._update_slider_length = self._update_slider_length_horizontal self.place_ticks = self._place_ticks_horizontal self._init_horizontal() else: self.get_scale_length = self.scale.winfo_height self.display_value = self._display_value_vertical self._update_slider_length = self._update_slider_length_vertical self.place_ticks = self._place_ticks_vertical self._init_vertical() self.scale.lift() try: self._var.trace_remove('write', self._trace) self._trace = self._var.trace_add('write', self._increment) except AttributeError: # backward compatibility self._var.trace_vdelete('w', self._trace) self._trace = self._var.trace('w', self._increment) self._update_slider_length() def _init_vertical(self): """Create and grid the widgets for a vertical orientation.""" self.scale.grid(row=0, sticky='ns') # showvalue padx1, padx2 = 0, 0 pady1, pady2 = 0, 0 if self._showvalue: self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start)) if self._labelpos == 'w':, bordermode='outside', relx=0, y=0, anchor='e') self.update_idletasks() padx1 = self.label.winfo_width() self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start + self._extent)) self.update_idletasks() padx1 = max(self.label.winfo_width(), padx1) elif self._labelpos == 'e':, bordermode='outside', relx=1, y=1, anchor='w') self.update_idletasks() padx2 = self.label.winfo_width() self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start + self._extent)) self.update_idletasks() padx2 = max(self.label.winfo_width(), padx2) else: # self._labelpos in ['n', 's']: if self._labelpos == 'n': rely = 0 anchor = 's' pady1 = self.label.winfo_reqheight() else: rely = 1 anchor = 'n' pady2 = self.label.winfo_reqheight(), bordermode='outside', relx=0.5, rely=rely, anchor=anchor) self.update_idletasks() w = self.label.winfo_width() self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start + self._extent)) self.update_idletasks() w = max(w, self.label.winfo_width()) ws = self.scale.winfo_reqwidth() if w > ws: padx = (w - ws) // 2 if self._tickinterval: if self._tickpos == 'e': padx1 = padx else: # self._tickpos == 'w' padx2 = padx else: padx1, padx2 = padx, padx # ticks padx1_2, padx2_2 = 0, 0 if self._tickinterval: nb_interv = int(self._extent / self._tickinterval) if self._tickpos == 'w': for i in range(nb_interv + 1): tick = self._start + i * self._tickinterval self.ticks.append(tick) self.ticklabels.append(ttk.Label(self, style=self._style_name + ".TLabel", text=self._formatter.format(tick))) self.ticklabels[i].place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=-1 - padx1, y=0, anchor='e') self.update_idletasks() padx1_2 = max(self.ticklabels[i].winfo_width(), padx1_2) else: # self._tickpos == 'e' w = self.scale.winfo_reqwidth() for i in range(nb_interv + 1): tick = self._start + i * self._tickinterval self.ticks.append(tick) self.ticklabels.append(ttk.Label(self, style=self._style_name + ".TLabel", text=self._formatter.format(tick))) self.ticklabels[i].place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=w + 1 + padx2, y=0, anchor='w') self.update_idletasks() padx2_2 = max(self.ticklabels[i].winfo_width(), padx2_2) self.scale.grid_configure(padx=(padx1 + padx1_2 + 1, padx2 + padx2_2 + 1), pady=(pady1, pady2)) def _init_horizontal(self): """Create and grid the widgets for a horizontal orientation.""" self.scale.grid(row=0, sticky='ew') padx1, padx2 = 0, 0 pady1, pady2 = 0, 0 # showvalue if self._showvalue: self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start)) self.update_idletasks() if self._labelpos == 'n':, bordermode='outside', rely=0, x=0, anchor='s') pady1 = self.label.winfo_reqheight() elif self._labelpos == 's':, bordermode='outside', rely=1, x=0, anchor='n') pady2 = self.label.winfo_reqheight() elif self._labelpos in ['w', 'e']: padx = self.label.winfo_reqwidth() self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(self._start + self._extent)) self.update_idletasks() padx = max(padx, self.label.winfo_reqwidth()) if self._labelpos == 'w': anchor = 'e' relx = 0 padx1 = padx else: anchor = 'w' relx = 1 padx2 = padx, bordermode='outside', relx=relx, rely=0.5, anchor=anchor) h = self.label.winfo_reqheight() hs = self.scale.winfo_reqheight() if h > hs: pady = (h - hs) // 2 if self._tickinterval: if self._tickpos == 'n': pady1 = pady else: # self._tickpos == 's' pady2 = pady else: pady1, pady2 = pady, pady # ticks pady1_2, pady2_2 = 0, 0 if self._tickinterval: nb_interv = int(self._extent / self._tickinterval) h = self.scale.winfo_reqheight() if self._tickpos == 's': for i in range(nb_interv + 1): tick = self._start + i * self._tickinterval self.ticks.append(tick) self.ticklabels.append(ttk.Label(self, style=self._style_name + ".TLabel", text=self._formatter.format(tick))) self.ticklabels[i].place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=0, y=h + pady2 + 1, anchor='n') pady2_2 = self.ticklabels[-1].winfo_reqheight() else: # self._tickpos == 'n': for i in range(nb_interv + 1): tick = self._start + i * self._tickinterval self.ticks.append(tick) self.ticklabels.append(ttk.Label(self, style=self._style_name + ".TLabel", text=self._formatter.format(tick))) self.ticklabels[i].place(in_=self.scale, bordermode='outside', x=0, y=-1 - pady1, anchor='s') pady1_2 = self.ticklabels[-1].winfo_reqheight() self.update_idletasks() self.scale.grid_configure(pady=(pady1 + pady1_2, pady2 + pady2_2), padx=(padx1, padx2)) def _display_value_horizontal(self, value): """Display the current value and update the label position.""" if self._showvalue: self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(float(value))) self.update_idletasks() if self._labelpos in ['n', 's']: # position (in pixel) of the center of the slider x = self.convert_to_pixels(float(value)) # pay attention to the borders half_width = self.label.winfo_width() / 2 if x + half_width > self.scale.winfo_width(): x = self.scale.winfo_width() - half_width elif x - half_width < 0: x = half_width self.label.place_configure(x=x) def _display_value_vertical(self, value): """Display the current value and update the label position.""" if self._showvalue: self.label.configure(text=self._formatter.format(float(value))) if self._labelpos in ['e', 'w']: y = self.convert_to_pixels(float(value)) self.label.place_configure(y=y) def _place_ticks_horizontal(self): """Display the ticks for a horizontal scale.""" # first tick tick = self.ticks[0] label = self.ticklabels[0] x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick) half_width = label.winfo_reqwidth() / 2 if x - half_width < 0: x = half_width label.place_configure(x=x) # ticks in the middle for tick, label in zip(self.ticks[1:-1], self.ticklabels[1:-1]): x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick) label.place_configure(x=x) # last tick tick = self.ticks[-1] label = self.ticklabels[-1] x = self.convert_to_pixels(tick) half_width = label.winfo_reqwidth() / 2 if x + half_width > self.scale.winfo_reqwidth(): x = self.scale.winfo_width() - half_width label.place_configure(x=x) def _place_ticks_vertical(self): """Display the ticks for a vertical slider.""" for tick, label in zip(self.ticks, self.ticklabels): y = self.convert_to_pixels(tick) label.place_configure(y=y) def _increment(self, *args): """Move the slider only by increment given by resolution.""" value = self._var.get() if self._resolution: value = self._start + int(round((value - self._start) / self._resolution)) * self._resolution self._var.set(value) self.display_value(value) def _style_change(self, event=None): """Apply style and update widgets position.""" self._apply_style() self._init() def _update_display(self, event=None): """Redisplay the ticks and the label so that they adapt to the new size of the scale.""" try: if self._showvalue: self.display_value(self.scale.get()) if self._tickinterval: self.place_ticks() except IndexError: # happens when configure is called during a orientation change # because self.ticks is empty pass