Source code for ttkwidgets.linklabel

Author: RedFantom
License: GNU GPLv3
Source: This repository
# Based on an idea by Nelson Brochado (
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk
except ImportError:
    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import ttk
import webbrowser

[docs]class LinkLabel(ttk.Label): """ A :class:`ttk.Label` that can be clicked to open a link with a default blue color, a purple color when clicked and a bright blue color when hovering over the Label. """
[docs] def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs): """ Create a LinkLabel. :param master: master widget :param link: link to be opened :type link: str :param normal_color: text color when widget is created :type normal_color: str :param hover_color: text color when hovering over the widget :type hover_color: str :param clicked_color: text color when link is clicked :type clicked_color: str :param kwargs: options to be passed on to the :class:`ttk.Label` initializer """ self._cursor = kwargs.pop("cursor", "hand1") self._link = kwargs.pop("link", "") self._normal_color = kwargs.pop("normal_color", "#0563c1") self._hover_color = kwargs.pop("hover_color", "#057bc1") self._clicked_color = kwargs.pop("clicked_color", "#954f72") ttk.Label.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) self.config(foreground=self._normal_color) self.__clicked = False self.bind("<Button-1>", self.open_link) self.bind("<Enter>", self._on_enter) self.bind("<Leave>", self._on_leave)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.cget(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.configure(**{key: value}) def _on_enter(self, *args): """Set the text color to the hover color.""" self.config(foreground=self._hover_color, cursor=self._cursor) def _on_leave(self, *args): """Set the text color to either the normal color when not clicked or the clicked color when clicked.""" if self.__clicked: self.config(foreground=self._clicked_color) else: self.config(foreground=self._normal_color) self.config(cursor="")
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset Label to unclicked status if previously clicked.""" self.__clicked = False self._on_leave()
[docs] def cget(self, key): """ Query widget option. :param key: option name :type key: str :return: value of the option To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~LinkLabel.keys`. """ if key is "link": return self._link elif key is "hover_color": return self._hover_color elif key is "normal_color": return self._normal_color elif key is "clicked_color": return self._clicked_color else: return ttk.Label.cget(self, key)
[docs] def configure(self, **kwargs): """ Configure resources of the widget. To get the list of options for this widget, call the method :meth:`~LinkLabel.keys`. See :meth:`~LinkLabel.__init__` for a description of the widget specific option. """ self._link = kwargs.pop("link", self._link) self._hover_color = kwargs.pop("hover_color", self._hover_color) self._normal_color = kwargs.pop("normal_color", self._normal_color) self._clicked_color = kwargs.pop("clicked_color", self._clicked_color) ttk.Label.configure(self, **kwargs) self._on_leave()
[docs] def keys(self): """Return a list of all resource names of this widget.""" keys = ttk.Label.keys(self) keys.extend(["link", "normal_color", "hover_color", "clicked_color"]) return keys