
class ttkwidgets.LinkLabel(master=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ttk.Label

A ttk.Label that can be clicked to open a link with a default blue color, a purple color when clicked and a bright blue color when hovering over the Label.

__init__(master=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a LinkLabel.

  • master – master widget
  • link (str) – link to be opened
  • normal_color (str) – text color when widget is created
  • hover_color (str) – text color when hovering over the widget
  • clicked_color (str) – text color when link is clicked
  • kwargs – options to be passed on to the ttk.Label initializer

Query widget option.

Parameters:key (str) – option name
Returns:value of the option

To get the list of options for this widget, call the method keys().


Configure resources of the widget.

To get the list of options for this widget, call the method keys(). See __init__() for a description of the widget specific option.


Return a list of all resource names of this widget.

Open the link in the web browser.


Reset Label to unclicked status if previously clicked.