

AutoHideScrollbar Scrollbar that automatically hides when not needed.
Calendar ttk Widget that enables a calender within a frame, allowing the user to select dates.
CheckboxTreeview ttk.Treeview widget with checkboxes left of each item.
DebugWindow A Toplevel that shows sys.stdout and sys.stderr for Tkinter applications
ItemsCanvas A ttk.Frame containing a Canvas upon which text items can be placed with a coloured background.
LinkLabel A ttk.Label that can be clicked to open a link with a default blue color, a purple color when clicked and a bright blue color when hovering over the Label.
ScaleEntry A simple combination of a Scale and an Entry widget suitable for use with int ranges.
ScrolledListbox Simple tk.Listbox with an added scrollbar.
Table Table widget displays a table with options to drag rows and columns and to sort columns.
TickScale A ttk.Scale that can display the current value next to the slider and supports ticks.
TimeLine A Frame containing a Canvas and various buttons to manage a timeline that can be marked with certain events, allowing the binding of commands to hovering over certain elements and creating texts inside the elements.